
deBridge is a secure interoperability layer for Web3 that enables decentralized transfers of arbitrary messages and value between various blockchains. The validation of cross-chain transactions is performed by a network of independent validators who are elected by and work for deBridge governance. Validators maintain the blockchain infrastructure and each run a deBridge node to sign all transactions that pass through deBridge smart contracts in different blockchains.

Delegated staking and slashing mechanics act as a backbone for protocol security and provide economic disincentives for validators to collude.

The deBridge protocol is an infrastructure platform and a framework for:

  • decentralized transfer of arbitrary data and assets

  • cross-chain interoperability and composability of smart contracts

  • cross-chain swaps

  • interoperability and bridging of NFTs

Projects can integrate with deBridge infrastructure to tap into the various cross-chain opportunities that we enable. These can for instance be:

  • Build own custom bridges for assets and NFTs preserving custom NFT logic (e.g. breeding)

  • Enable users from other blockchain ecosystems interact with their protocol (enable global accessibility)

  • Scale up their protocol to other chains and exchange commands/messages between components of their protocol

  • Make their protocol composable with protocols from other ecosystems

  • Build new types of cross-chain applications and primitives

  • Enable global accessibility by letting users and protocols from other chains seamlessly interact with the protocol

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