
  • Trade Aggregator v1 (DEX aggregation)

  • Improve performance, chain, interop and asset support

  • Expansion of cross-chain liquidity pools for the Unizen Trade (80+)

  • Initial launch of trade history tracking

  • Time series collection from more data providers

  • Implement ZCX-burning mechanism into the Unizen Trade

  • Optimized Unizen Earn

  • Introduction of Unizen Bridge

  • Launch Unizen API

  • Introduce Unizen V2: STRATOSPHERE.

  • Integrate UDLM for cross-chain trades on Unizen Trade.

  • Track DeFi protocols for Unizen Explore.

  • Increase network support.

  • Implement an innovative referral program.

  • Introduce fee-less swaps.

  • Expand cross-chain liquidity pools for Unizen Trade (20+).

  • Continue liquidity pool expansion, trade history, staking providers, modules, and time series data collection.

  • Establish Base Network cross-chain support.

  • Form first API partnerships.

  • Onboard the first million users through the API (20 million).

Phase 4

  • Launch Unizen Mobile App

  • Unizen Integrator Portal

  • Expand cross-chain liquidity pools for Unizen Trade (30+)

  • Introduce liquidity pool exploration to Unizen Explore

  • Provide OHLC data for decentralized LPs

  • Expand the user base to 40 million

  • Support more UTXO chains on Unizen Trade

  • Initiate L1 work

  • New marketing website

Phase 5

  • Implement trade and transaction bundling for one-to-many and many-to-one asset trades and transactions.

  • Aim for daily volume to surpass $2 million

  • Extend ULDM into private MM liquidity

  • Limit Orders

  • More flexibility to API fee structure and revenue share

  • Enable ULDM for UTXO trading

  • Introduce API plans and a self-signup form

  • Enable solver endpoints for Meta Aggregators

Phase 6

  • Launch Andromeda L1

  • Introduce custom liquidity pools for the Unizen Trade Aggregator

  • Launch Earn 2.0

Last updated