Cross-Chain Swap

Unizen API for Dex Aggregator Cross-Chain Transaction

This document provides an overview of the Unizen API for cross-chain transactions via the Unizen DEX aggregator. The API provides access to all available quotes for a trade from supported DEXes across different blockchains, as well as the ability to generate transaction data for a trade.

With Unizen's trading architecture, users can easily access and trade over 20,000 digital assets across 122 decentralized exchanges and 7 blockchains, making it a powerful tool for cross-chain trading and asset management.

Available Endpoints

The Unizen API for cross-chain transactions provides the following endpoints:

  • GET /trade/v1/{chainId}/quote/cross: Find all available quotes for a cross-chain trade via the Unizen DEX aggregator.

  • GET /trade/v1/{chainId}/swap/cross: Generate transaction data for a cross-chain trade via the Unizen DEX aggregator.

  • GET /trade/v1/{chainId}/quote/cross-select: Get the new trade data with a selected DEX returned by the quote endpoint

  • GET /trade/v1/{chainId}/quote/cross-data: Get the new trade data with selected DEX.


Quote Endpoint

Swap Endpoint

Ethereum (Mainnet)






Binance Smart Chain















Using the Unizen API for Cross-Chain Transactions

  1. Call GET /trade/v1/{chainId}/quote/cross to get all available quotes for a cross-chain trade via the Unizen DEX aggregator.

  2. Call GET /trade/v1/{chainId}/swap/cross to generate transaction data for a cross-chain trade via the Unizen DEX aggregator.

  3. Send the transaction to the DEX aggregator contract using the sendTransaction function, passing in the from address, to address, data, gasPrice, gasLimit, and value parameters.

Last updated