GET /trade/v1/{chainId}/quote/cross 1


This is the list of important params for BTC trade



Zero address, as we only support trade from native Bitcoin to Ethereum on the Ethereum mainnet or Avax on the Avax network. Example: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


Zero address, as we only support trade from native Bitcoin to Ethereum on the Ethereum mainnet or Avax on the Avax network. Example: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


Amount of tokens being traded. Example: 1 BTC → 100000000, 1 ETH → 1000000000000000000


The chain ID of the destination network. Available values: 1, 43114, -3980891822


The address of the sender. If trading from BTC to EVM, the sender is your BTC address. If trading from EVM to BTC, the sender is your EVM address. Example: 0x54c47034887C582Fc1Af4a9a3b68180a8a9eF2d2


The address of the receiver. If trading from BTC to EVM, the receiver is your EVM address. If trading from EVM to BTC, the receiver is your BTC address. Example: bc1qf7cd6pvs9sqnkr0nadsuhgecy8prnc9t8k0jny


For BTC trade, we don't support exact out trade. isExactOut is false for this trade


The chain ID of the chain to quote on. Available values: 1, 43114, -3980891822


200: OK The response is an array of objects. Currently, we only support Thorchain for native BTC trade, so this array will have only one item for Thorchain.

        "srcTradeList": [],
        "dstTradeList": [],
        "srcTrade": {
            "protocol": {
                "name": "Thorchain",
                "logo": "<>",
                "website": "<>",
                "docsLink": "<>",
                "description": "THORChain is a network that facilitates native asset settlement between Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Cosmos Hub, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash & Litecoin"
        "dstTrade": {
            "toTokenAmount": "18478666090000000000",
            "deltaAmount": "18478666090000000000",
            "protocol": {
                "name": "Thorchain",
                "logo": "<>",
                "website": "<>",
                "docsLink": "<>",
                "description": "THORChain is a network that facilitates native asset settlement between Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Cosmos Hub, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash & Litecoin"
        "transactionData": {
            "dust_threshold": "10000",
            "expected_amount_out": "1847866609",
            "expected_amount_out_streaming": "",
            "expiry": 1706758452,
            "fees": {
                "affiliate": "4652412",
                "asset": "ETH.ETH",
                "liquidity": "4040448",
                "outbound": "360000",
                "slippage_bps": 21,
                "total": "9052860",
                "total_bps": 48
            "inbound_address": "bc1qkttu0a6gljrrswzyw3rwp59sunjep7zfqgyvr9",
            "inbound_confirmation_blocks": 1,
            "inbound_confirmation_seconds": 600,
            "max_streaming_quantity": 0,
            "memo": "=:ETH.ETH:0x207ca4370639120f9A049aF9CAB4fCaa608F2445::zcx-com:25",
            "notes": "First output should be to inbound_address, second output should be change back to self, third output should be OP_RETURN, limited to 80 bytes. Do not send below the dust threshold. Do not use exotic spend scripts, locks or address formats (P2WSH with Bech32 address format preferred).",
            "outbound_delay_blocks": 103,
            "outbound_delay_seconds": 618,
            "recommended_min_amount_in": "222000",
            "slippage_bps": 21,
            "streaming_slippage_bps": 21,
            "streaming_swap_blocks": 0,
            "total_swap_seconds": 1218,
            "warning": "Do not cache this response. Do not send funds after the expiry.",
            "amount": "100000000",
            "tradeType": "BTC_TO_NATIVE",
            "tradeProtocol": "CROSS_CHAIN_THORCHAIN"
        "nativeValue": "100000000",
        "nativeValueFee": "0",
        "tradeProtocol": "CROSS_CHAIN_THORCHAIN",
        "sourceChainId": -3980891822,
        "destinationChainId": 1

Last updated